Iron Man

Real Name: Anthony Edward Stark
Birth Year: 1970
First Appearance: Iron Man
Team Affiliation(s): S.H.I.E.L.D.
The Avengers
Team Iron Man
Race: Human
From: New York, NY
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 225 lbs.

Anthony Edward Stark is an industrialist, genius inventor, hero and former playboy who is CEO of Stark Industries. Initially, he was a chief weapons manufacturer for the U.S. military, until he had a change of heart and redirected his technical knowledge into the creation of mechanized suits of armor which he uses to defend against those that would threaten peace around the world.

Genius-Level Intellect

Proficient Scientist and Engineer

Powered Armor Suit:

  • Superhuman Strength and Durability
  • Supersonic Flight
  • Energy Repulsor and Missile Projection
  • Regenerative Life Support