
Real Name: Korg
Birth Year: Unknown
First Appearance: Thor: Ragnarok
Team Affiliation(s): Sakaaran Rebellion
The Revengers
The Avengers
Race: Kronan
From: Ria
Height: 7'7"
Weight: 2045 lbs.

Korg is a Kronan warrior who resided on Sakaar and was forced to participate with the Grandmaster's Contest of Champions. Upon meeting Thor, Korg helped him escape from Sakaar with the Hulk and help from Valkyrie, they defeat the threat of Hela. Having gained the victory, Korg and Miek joined the Asgardians in their journey towards the Earth following Ragnarök.

Kronan Physiology:

  • Master martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant
  • Accelerated healing factor

