
Real Name: Wong
Birth Year: 1971
First Appearance: Doctor Strange
Team Affiliation(s): Masters of the Mystic Arts
The Avengers
Race: Human
From: Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu
Height: 5'10
Weight: 195 lbs.

Wong is a Master of the Mystic Arts within Kamar-Taj. When their former librarian was murdered by Kaecilius and the Zealots, Wong then became the highly protective keeper of all the ancient books when he met Doctor Strange, and assisted him in his studies. As Kaecilius attempted to use his power to bring Dormammu to Earth, Wong and the other Masters used their power to eventually defeat him, at the cost of Ancient One's death. With Kaecilius' conflict over, Wong had then joined Doctor Strange in protecting the New York Sanctum.

Master Sorcerer:

  • Eldritch Magic Manipulation
  • Illusion Casting
  • Teleportation
  • Interdimensional Travel
  • Barrier Creation
  • Astral Projection

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