
Real Name: Just A Rather Very Intelligent System
Birth Year: 2008
First Appearance: Iron Man
Team Affiliation(s): Stark Industries
Race: Artificial Intelligence
From: New York, NY
Height: N.A
Weight: N/A

Just A Rather Very Intelligent System (J.A.R.V.I.S.) was originally Tony Stark's natural-language user interface computer system, named after Edwin Jarvis, the butler who worked for Howard Stark. J.A.R.V.I.S. was upgraded into an AI system tasked with running business for Stark Industries as well as security for Tony Stark's Mansion and Stark Tower. After creating the Mark II armor, Stark uploaded J.A.R.V.I.S. into all of the Iron Man Armors, as well as allowing him to interact with the other Avengers, giving them valuable information during combat.

J.A.R.V.I.S. employs a highly advanced user interface with holographic peripherals and voice input, and communicates data back to its user via speech audio, holographic displays and conventional LCD monitors. It also controls a number of robotic appliances, most notably an armory unit concealed in the floor of Stark's home that facilitates entry and egress of most of the Iron Man armor's. When loaded into the Iron Man armor for use as a system control program it governs the complex computational requirements needed to interface the wearer of the armor with the various subsystems, as well as provide life support control.