Nova Prime

Real Name: Irani Rael
Birth Year: Unknown
First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy
Team Affiliation(s): Nova Corps
Race: Xandarian
From: Xandar
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 146 lbs.

Nova Prime Irani Rael is the commander of the Nova Corps. She led her people to victory with the help of the Guardians of the Galaxy when Ronan the Accuser attempted to destroy her home planet of Xandar with the Power Stone.

Irani Rael is a strong and stern leader. Having achieved a top position within the Xandarian hierarchy, she proved to be able leading men to battle and does not fear to confront other political leaders like the Kree Ambassador. She is also keen on protecting her people, as she demonstrated by making the evacuation of civilians a priority during the Battle of Xandar. During the same battle, she agreed to work with Ravagers, who Xandarians usually considered dangerous if not enemies, in order to prevent Ronan the Accuser from destroying Xandar, showing that she places the interest of her people above all other consideration. Rael also pays attention to her subordinates' opinion regarding strategic matters, like when she asks Rhomann Dey if he thought Star-Lord could be trusted, and shows gratitude to anyone who helps her protecting the Xandarians like the Guardians of the Galaxy.