Pepper Potts

Real Name: Virginia Potts
Birth Year: 1972
First Appearance: Iron Man
Team Affiliation(s): Stark Industries
The Avengers
Race: Human
From: United States
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 123 lbs.

Virginia "Pepper" Potts is the CEO of Stark Industries, originally working as Tony Stark's personal assistant, she would take care of his schedule and perform any task he wished. During this time, she became good friends with Stark; however, both she and Stark had begun developing romantic feelings for each other. Neither was able to act on these feelings, as they each feared that the other would not accept them.

Via Iron Man Armor: Mark XLIX

  • Flight
  • Heads Up Display (HUD)
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Repulsors

Via Extremis

  • Enhanced Strength and Agility
  • Regenerative Healing Factor
  • Exothermic Manipulation

Expert Businesswoman
