Senator Stern

Real Name: Stern
Birth Year: 1949
First Appearance: Iron Man 2
Team Affiliation(s): U.S. Senate
Race: Human
From: Pennsylvania
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 192 lbs.

Stern is a former United States Senator from Pennsylvania and covert member of HYDRA. Using his position, Stern tried to convince the American people that Tony Stark was actually a threat to their safety and he should hand over his armor suits in the wake of the attack of Whiplash. Stern even tried backing Justin Hammer to replace Stark's work, but this soon failed. He continued his work with HYDRA, building a relationship with Jasper Sitwell who was working from within S.H.I.E.L.D., but when HYDRA was exposed by Captain America, Stern was soon arrested by the FBI who had discovered his work with the terrorist organization.

Stern is an arrogant and persistent character, who truly despises Tony Stark. He is loyal to the U.S. Government, and is somewhat of a selfish senator but overly thinks of the peace for his country. Over time, he joined the secret organization of HYDRA, and got involved in their plans to dominate the world. With this, Stern no longer became a trusted person in the United States Government, and secretly worked in HYDRA's affairs. Stern also has a liking for pins, as he stated when awarding Tony and Rhodey with their badges at the Awarding Ceremony, and when talking to Agent Sitwell outside the entrance of a Senate Building. History