
Real Name: T'Chaka
Birth Year: 1943
First Appearance: Captain America: Civil War
Team Affiliation(s): Golden Tribe
Race: Human
From: Wakanda, Africa
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lbs.

King T'Chaka was the leader of the Kingdom of Wakanda, assuming the throne and the role of Black Panther in his youth. During his time as the King, part of T'Chaka's supply of Vibranium was stolen by Ulysses Klaue, leading to T'Chaka discovering that it was in fact his own brother N'Jobu who had aided Klaue, forcing T'Chaka to kill him and leave his son behind. T'Chaka then returned home and supported his kingdom, preparing his son T'Challa to take up the throne. Following a battle involving the Avengers, T'Chaka had supported and then signed the Sokovia Accords.

Heart-Shaped Herb Enhancement:

  • Enhanced Strength, Durability, Speed, Agility, Reflexes, and Senses

