Aldrich Killian

Real Name: Aldrich Killian
Birth Year: 1972
First Appearance: Iron Man 3
Team Affiliation(s): A.I.M.
Race: Human
From: Austin, TX
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 162 lbs.

Aldrich Killian was the founder and CEO of Advanced Idea Mechanics. When Tony Stark had refused to join his research, Killian participated in the development of Extremis, amassing a group of Extremis-enhanced soldiers under his command. To mask his illegal activities as terrorist attacks, he created an idealized terrorist persona known as the "Mandarin" portrayed by the actor Trevor Slattery to serve as his proxy, unaware the real Mandarin actually existed.

Superhuman Strength and Agility

Regenerative Healing Factor

Exothermic Manipulation

Fire Breath

Genius Level Intellect

Master Scientist

Expert Businessman and Martial Artist