Arnim Zola

Real Name: Arnim Zola
Birth Year: 1900
First Appearance: Captain America: The First Avenger
Team Affiliation(s): Schutzstaffel
Race: Human
From: Switzerland
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 154 lbs.

Doctor Arnim Zola was a scientist working for HYDRA before, during, and after World War II. Originally an employee of the Sturmabteilung, Zola was recruited in 1934 by Johann Schmidt to become a lead scientist for HYDRA. During the war, he designed many advanced weapons to aid HYDRA in its quest for world domination. During the early days of World War II, Zola was assigned by Schmidt to study the Tesseract to build powered advanced weapons, which Schmidt intended to use to overthrow Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. However, as the war came to an end, Captain America and the Howling Commandos tracked down Zola to his train, eventually succeeding in capturing him.

Master Scientist and Engineer