Iron Monger

Real Name: Obadiah Stane
Birth Year 1949
First Appearance: Iron Man
Team Affiliation(s): Stark Industries
Race: Human
From: United States
Height: 6'1" (9'4" in armor)
Weight: 230 lbs. (4230 lbs. in armor)

Obadiah Stane was the business partner of Tony Stark and a good friend of his father, Howard Stark. After Howard's death, Stane became interim CEO of Stark Industries until Tony took over officially shortly after. Stane's jealousy of the younger Stark led him to join forces with the Ten Rings to organize a failed attempt to assassinate him so Stane could become CEO once again. When this failed, Stane created the Iron Monger Armor and attempted to kill Stark himself, leading to his own death.

Via Iron Monger Suit:

  • Superhuman Strength and Durability
  • Flight
  • HUD Interface

Expert Businessman and Engineer