
Real Name: Kaecillius
Birth Year: 1965
First Appearance: Doctor Strange
Team Affiliation(s): Masters of the Mystic Arts
Race: Mindless One
From: Unknown
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 181 lbs.

Kaecilius is a sorcerer and a former member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts who became disillusioned with the Ancient One when he felt his mentor was not allowing other dimensions to come to Earth, which he believed could then reunite him with his deceased wife and son. He formed the Zealots with the intention of defeating the Ancient One and bringing the inter-dimensional being known as Dormammu to Earth, but was challenged by his former allies as well as Doctor Strange. He was defeated and became part of the Dark Dimension for all eternity, giving him the immortality that he had desired, but at a horrific cost that he had refused to understand.

Master Sorcerer:

  • Eldritch Magic Manipulation
  • Teleportation
  • Inter-Dimensional Travel
  • Dark Dimension Magic Manipulation

Master Martial Artist