Korath the Pursuer

Real Name: Korath the Pursuer
Birth Year: Unknown
First Appearance: Guardians of the Galaxy
Team Affiliation(s): Starforce
The Kree Empire
Race: Kree
From: Hala
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 181 lbs.

Korath was a Kree operative who served within the Starforce during the Kree-Skrull War under the command of Yon-Rogg, and by 1995, he was helping the team battle the dwindling Skrull opposition. Later, he was tasked to acquire the Tesseract for the Kree Empire but failed when he and several of his teammates were bested by Captain Marvel. By 2014, he became a cybernetically enhanced warrior who abandoned Starforce and began working as a loyal enforcer for Ronan the Accuser.

Kree Physiology:

  • Superhuman Strength, Durability, and Agility
  • Regenerative Healing Factor

Expert Combatant and Marksman

Sword Mastery
