Proxima Midnight

Real Name: Proxima Midnight
Birth Year: Unknown
First Appearance: Avengers: Infinity War
Team Affiliation(s): The Black Order
Race: Unknown
From: Unknown
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 480 lbs.

Proxima Midnight was Thanos' adoptive daughter and a member of the Black Order. She joined her father in his quest for the six Infinity Stones, initially attacked the Statesman with her brothers and helped to kill the Asgardians aboard and retrieve the Space Stone. She later attacked Vision and Scarlet Witch, almost killing them until the arrival of Captain America, Falcon and Black Widow. She was forced to flee when Widow wounded Corvus Glaive before returning to fight in the Battle of Wakanda.

Superhuman Strength, Durability, and Agility

Enhanced Speed

Master Combatant

Spear and Sword Mastery

Expert Acrobat