
Real Name: Herman Shultz
Birth Year: 1973
First Appearance: Spider-Man: Homecoming
Team Affiliation(s): Adrian Toomes' Crew
Race: Human
From: New York, NY
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180 lbs.

Herman Schultz is a former salvage worker who had become a professional criminal and a member of Adrian Toomes' Crew who had sold Chitauri and Ultron based weaponry created by the Tinkerer. Following Toomes murdering Jackson Brice, who had used his modified gauntlet occasionally under the alias of Shocker, Toomes had passed the gauntlet down onto Schultz and appointed him as the new Shocker. With his new title and power of the gauntlet, Shocker still continued to help Toomes with fighting against Spider-Man's ongoing attempts to bring an end to all of the black market arms deals, which resulted in the Shocker being defeated during a fight and arrested.

Shock Emission

Enhanced Strength

Skilled Combatant