The Collector

Real Name: Taneleer Tivan
Birth Year: Unknown
First Appearance: Thor: The Dark World
Team Affiliation(s): Elders of the Universe
The Tivan Group
Race: Unknown
From: Knowhere
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs.

Taneleer Tivan, also known as the Collector, is the head of the Tivan Group, and renowned as the keeper of the largest collection of interstellar fauna, relics and species in the galaxy, operating from the Knowhere port installation. Through his dealings with Asgardians and the Guardians of the Galaxy, he was in possession of one of the Infinity Stones and was nearly able to obtain a second stone. However, this caused Thanos to attack his museum seeking the Reality Stone.

Superhuman Durability


Energy Projection